A B C D E F G ~~~ H I J K L M N O P ~~~ 🎶
As I’m typing this, my 2-year-and-9-month-old son Sangrak’s voice singing the ABC song is still echoing in my head. He’s been singing it all day, every day!
Let me take you back in time for a moment…
I still remember when Sangrak was just a baby, not even a year old. One of the very first books he could hold and flip through by himself was a little board book like this one. The size was perfect for his tiny hands, and the sturdy pages were impossible to tear.
At first, he just looked at the pictures, but over time, he started learning and could eventually recognize almost all the letters and words. It was such a wonderful surprise! 😃
I believe many parents have had similar experiences, watching their little ones discover the joy of books and learning.
After publishing “Jessie on the Wheels”, I received comments from parents saying they wanted more books about vehicles because their kids loved them so much.
At the same time, the ABC song became a household hit for several weeks. And so, these two ideas came together to create “Jessie Learns to Read: ABC Vehicles”.
This A-Z board book introduces children to vocabulary and illustrations of different types of vehicles. Throughout the process of creating the book, I let my son look at the sample pages, testing it with him until it became the final version.
Sangrak absolutely loves it. He holds the book and sings the ABC song more slowly than usual, carefully flipping through each page in time with the rhythm. Watching his little hands turn the pages, I couldn’t help but smile, feeling so proud and happy.
This moment made me want to share the same joy and learning experience with as many children as possible.
I hope you’ll consider this book for your little ones. My team and I poured our hearts into creating it. ❤
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